Some of our Coon Hollow Does

Motherhood-Doe with her kid

Coon Hollow Elise and her son Apache

"For thou hast possessed my reins; thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalms 139:13,14

A great deal of our does have been from lines I have kept for the past twenty-two years. All of my does (I usually keep about fifty) have individual qualities I hope to see produced in their offspring. I look for a robust construction, vigorous attitude, soft and fine curls, and excellent mothering instincts. A good strong conformation is needful, as the does can live and be productive for up to fifteen or sixteen years. Producing a lower micron count fiber makes their fleeces a valuable resource for many years. And finally, a loving and protective mother is always a touching and tender attraction. I have many does that I am very proud of, as they are the fruit produced from many years anticipation and labor.